Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Our first couple days of work have been in the Large Animal Clinic.

On Monday, we saw about 15-20 cases consisting of cows, goats, and horses.  Tuesday was very similar, but a few of the cases were repeats from Monday.  Milk and blood samples were taken from about 8 cows for testing on the brucelosis and tuberculosis research project on Monday.  Tuesday, we collected from 6 new cases and did a few follow-ups.  When running the samples in the lab, we learned that we will have to be more organized in the clinic because the first day we couldn't see the big picture very well.  We've seen many different cases - nothing too out of the ordinary, but many cases of ketosis/not eating, a teat injury, blind cow, heat stress, and a retained placenta.  My favorite cases have been the water buffalos because they just look so different than what we see in the US, but we haven't had many of them.  We have already found a couple positive cases for the tests we have completed on the brucellosis, so that is exciting.  It is nice to get a positive reading when you are doing research because you know you are (hopefully) doing it right, and that your research is meaningful in the end. 

Indians commonly paint their cow's horns to make them look pretty.  A lot of the horses also wear necklaces and anklets!

We don't have these in MI!

 This was the cutest goat!  Super hairy!  We all wanted to take it home.

The have Red Wing Shoes here - didn't expect to see this!
 They made french fries for us one night!!!  We were soooo excited!

 A water buffalo.  This one was in really good shape - looks like a hippo body almost!  Their faces are quite frightening, though!

 This is how they restrain their cows here - just a rope through the nose.
 Working (and chillin) in the lab!

When not working at the vet college (college, NOT school), we've pretty much just been hanging around the hostel.  We did some yoga on the roof to a video that Lindsay brought Monday night.  We haven't seen the big cockroach again, but one of the doors has a huge crack under it, so I bet they come and go as they please.  We learned that the asian cockroaches are actually attracted to light and like warm areas, so we are planning to keep our room super cold and hopefully they will run away when our lights are off to sleep and not bother us.  This, however, became a problem when our air conditioner went out Monday night.  We moved a bed into Audrey's room (who's in the other hostel) and that was probably the best sleep I've gotten thus far - no fear of bugs, cold.  It was awesome.  Tuesday, they ended up fixing it, so we're back in business.  Not sure where we'll stay tonight, but at least wherever it will be, it will be nice and cold!

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